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Where you can connect with healthcare professionals from home for thorough, affordable, safe, and convenient consultations

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Acute Bronchitis $49.99


Overview: Acute bronchitis is a common condition characterized by a persistent cough with or without sputum production, often lasting 1-3 weeks. It affects the lung’s bronchi. It can be the result of viruses, bacteria, or lung irritants, such as fumes, air pollutants, or dust. It's often preceded by an upper respiratory tract infection, or the common cold.

Symptoms include, chills, low-grade fever, persistent cough, sore throat, chest congestion, headaches, fatigue, possible wheezing.

Routine treatment of uncomplicated acute bronchitis with antibiotics is not recommended, regardless of cough duration. Symptomatic management is recommended.

Antibiotics use is for people who are at high risk for complications or with severe symptoms.


Allergies Overview $49.99

Seasonal Allergies

When our body reacts to surrounding allergens, histamine is released, which gives it the name of histamine reaction commonly known as allergic reaction or allergies.  Example of allergies are: Asthma, Eczema, Food Allergy, Hay Fever (Allergic rhinitis), Pet Allergies

Symptoms may include: Congestion-Facial/ head/ nasal congestion

Itchy ear/ nose/ throat; Persistent Sneezing, Urticaria, Watery eyes/ runny nose

Management: Symptomatic management is indicated.  Discuss your symptoms with one of our Nurse Practitioners so that a treatment plan can be customized for you.


Cold Sore Overview $49.99

Overview: Cold sore is caused by the Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) giving it the name of Oral herpes. It is transmitted through oral-oral contact. HSV is particularly contagious during an outbreak but can also be transmitted when the cold sores are not visible.

Symptoms: The virus causes painful sores or blisters on the lips, mouth, gum and other parts of the mouth after 2-12 days of exposure. Recurrent symptoms are often less severe and may decrease over time.

Management with Antiviral is used to reduce the frequency, severity and duration of outbreaks.



Common Cold (URI) $49.99

Common Cold

Overview: At least 200 viruses can cause the common cold, which is a nonspecific upper respiratory infection (URI). Most adults experience 2-4 colds annually.

Symptoms:  typical to viral illness and may include: Cough, fever, headache,nasal congestion, myalgias, postnasal drip,  rhinorrhea, sore throat.

Management:  Symptomatic management is indicated.  Discuss your symptoms with one of our Nurse Practitioners so that a treatment plan can be customized for you.

Dental Infection $49.99

Overview: A dental infection is caused by bacteria that enter into a compromised decayed or broken tooth or the gumline The infection can spread throughout the tooth and into the blood vessels and nerves. As such, a dental infection can lead to serious life-threatening illness or death, if left untreated.

Symptoms:  Bad breath, Bitter taste in the mouth, Fever, Pain (toothache/ headache), Sensitivity of the teeth to hot or cold, Swelling of the gum/ jaw, Swollen lymph nodes.

Management: For uncomplicated dental and oral infections, we prescribe an antibiotic. Discuss your general health conditions/ history with one of our Nurse Practitioners to ensure appropriate antibiotic prescription.

Ear Pain (Otalgia) $49.99

Overview: Ear pain is usually the result of inflammation or the buildup of fluids in the ear canal. It can also be due to an external or internal ear infection and some people with wax build up can complain of pain.

Symptoms: Pain, feeling pressure in the ear, muffled hearing may be present.

Management: Anti-inflammatory are usually indicated. If an external ear infection is suspected, an otic ABT drops will be recommended.

Ear Infection (External) $49.99

Ear Infection

Overview: Otitis Externa is often the result of moisture exposure from swimming (Swimmer’s ear), sweating, and humid environments.

Symptoms: Discharge or drainage, Ear pain, Ear pressure, Fever, Itching and irritation, Pain with Tugging or pulling, Redness.

Management: OTC medications for pain and antibiotic drops for the bacterial infection.

Flu (Influenza) $49.99

Overview: The flu is a contagious viral infection caused by Influenza A or B affecting the nose, throat, and sometimes, the lungs. Flu symptoms usually come on suddenly.. It can cause mild to severe illness, and at times can lead to death. According to the CDC, not everyone with the flu will have a fever.

Symptoms: Body aches, Cough, fatigue, Fever, Itchy nose, Malaise, Stuffy Nose, Children may often have vomiting/diarrhea.


Antiviral use is time-dependent. If indicated, we can send it to your pharmacy to shorten your symptoms. As a general rule, symptomatic management is indicated for viral illnesses.

Gout Flare $49.99

Overview: Gout is a common form of inflammatory arthritis that is very painful. It usually affects one joint at a time (often the big toe joint, the other toe joints, the ankle, and the knee.). Gout is caused by a condition known as hyperuricemia, which is too much uric acid in the body as a result of increased prurines.

Symptoms: Gout flares start suddenly and can last days or weeks. Symptoms in the affected joint(s) may include: Pain, usually intense, Swelling,Redness, Heat.

Management: Treatment for flares is successful with anti-inflammatory drugs 

If you experience chronic gout and wish to be treated, you will need to have some lab tests done before we initiate any long-term pharmacological intervention.

Oral Thrush $49.99


Overview: Oral thrush or oropharyngeal candidiasis is an opportunistic infection of the mouth due to medications such as inhaled steroids, antibiotics that disturb the natural microorganism balance in the body. Some examples of contributing factors include denture, uncontrolled diabetes, immunocompromised conditions, such as center, chemotherapy, HIV/AIDS.

Symptoms: White lesions on tongue or inner cheeks  They may spread to the roof of mouth, gums, tonsils, or the back of your throat.

Management: An anti-fungal is recommended to improve symptoms and reduce the risk of developing esophagitis

Pink Eye (Conjunctivitis) $49.99

Overview: Pink eye (conjunctivitis) is an inflammation of the bulbar and/or palpebral conjunctiva (the transparent lubricating mucous membrane that covers both the surface of the eye and lining of the undersurface of the eyelids). It can be classified as bacterial, viral, or allergic. They all caused redness. Bacterial and viral pink eye are highly contagious.

Symptoms: burning sensation, crusty discharge, itchiness, redness. 

Bacterial: Persistent thick drainage that can be greenish/ yellowish

Viral drainage tends to be scant/thin, while allergic conjunctivitis causes a watery drainage in both eyes.

Management: Discuss your symptoms with one of our Nurse Practitioners so that a treatment plan can be customized for you.

We’ll recommend safe treatments including prescription eye drops and antibiotics drops/ ointments if indicated based on the type of pink eye you are experiencing. 

Sinus Infection $49.99

Overview: Sinus infection or sinusitis is an inflammation of the nasal and paranasal cavities that is mostly caused by viruses. Other causes can be bacteria, allergens, or chemical irritants. Viral sinusitis may last 7-10 days.  But symptoms that persist beyond ten (10) days are likely to be acute bacterial rhinosinusitis and may need antibiotics.

Symptoms:  Severe (>3-4 days), with fever ≥102°F and purulent nasal discharge or facial pain. Persistent (>10 days) without improvement, Bad breath, Cough, Facial pain or pressure, Headache, Postnasal drip, Runny nose, Sore throat, Stuffy nose/ nasal congestion.

Management: 98% of acute rhinosinusitis are viral in nature. Watchful waiting is encouraged for uncomplicated cases.

Discuss your symptoms with one of our Nurse Practitioners so that a treatment plan can be customized for you.


Sore Throat (Pharyngitis) Strep/Viral $49.99

Sore Throat

Overview: Group A beta-hemolytic streptococcal (GAS) infection is the only common indication for antibiotic therapy for sore throat cases. And only 5–10% of adult sore throat cases are caused by GAS. Clinical features alone do not distinguish between GAS and viral pharyngitis; therefore a rapid antigen detection test (RADT) is necessary to establish a GAS pharyngitis diagnosis.

Symptoms:  Overt clinical features of viral infection include: cough, hoarseness, oral ulcers, rhinorrhea (runny nose).

Management:  We can help you with your symptoms. Discuss your symptoms with one of our Nurse Practitioners so that a treatment plan can be customized for you.


Stye $49.99

Overview: Stye is an abscess of the eyelid commonly caused by the bacterial organism, Staphylococcus aureus. Eye makeup and skin conditions such as rosacea and seborrheic dermatitis makes you prone to developing stye. Anything that interferes with the integrity of the eyelid can increase your risk of having a stye.

Symptoms: Itchiness, painful pimple on the top or bottom eyelid, scratchy sensation on the eyeball. Swelling and tenderness of the eyelid, tearing.

Management: Have you tried any home remedies with no success? If so, upload a picture; we’ll recommend safe treatments including prescription eye ABT ointments if indicated.

Other $49.99