Welcome to our website. We are committed to bring you educational information for a healthier lifestyle. However you need to schedule an appointment adequate assessment and management of your specific conditions.
Medical Disclaimer:
DoctorLoune provides general information throughout its website. Such provided information is not intended to replace consultation with a qualified medical professional. By interacting with this website and its information, you agree to our disclaimer.
The information provided is for educational purposes only. Any diagnosis or treatment requires thorough assessment by medical providers, like the DoctorLoune medical team or other NPs/ physicians. Therefore, you should not rely upon any of the website information for medical diagnosis or treatment.
While we believe and promote a healthy lifestyle, it must not be misconstrued as advice for no other treatment options. Therefore, you must not delay, disregard, or stop any medical treatment based on information read from this website.
Keep in mind that health-related information changes frequently; therefore, this website's information may be outdated, incomplete, or incorrect. Furthermore, individual articles and web pages are based upon the respective author's opinions, who retains copyright as marked.
Therefore, DoctorLoune does not assume any risk whatsoever for your use of this website or the information contained herein.